So, I hope that you now see just how important the subject of God’s kingdom is regarding the message that God is trying to communicate throughout His Word. We have learned that the gospel of the kingdom is the key subject throughout the entire New Testament—from John the Baptist, to the Lord Jesus, all the way to the apostle Paul. We also learned that God’s kingdom was clearly taught and typified in the Old Testament as well. And most recently, we saw how the kingdom of God is revealed from the beginning to the ending of the Bible in the first two chapters of Genesis and the final two chapters of Revelation.
But, most importantly, what we should glean from the prior messages is that the gospel of kingdom of God that we hear threaded throughout the Bible is the same gospel we are called to carry to the ends of the earth. Yes, if it is the message of the Bible, then it is our message too! And Jesus confirmed this by saying that this gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world and then the end will come. So, if we are in those end times, then this is the message God has called us to preach to all of creation. Amen? But before we can carry the message of God’s kingdom, we need to know what it is we are carrying. Yes, we need to understand what this good news is because if we do not understand what the kingdom of God is ourselves, we will be totally unprepared to share this message of the New Testament with others. On top of this, we also need to understand when and where the kingdom of God is because these are important parts to sharing the gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the world. So, that is what we will begin doing this week— We are going to start defining the kingdom of God. We are going to answer questions like what, where, and when is the kingdom, and through this, we will get a better understanding of God’s kingdom ourselves and then will be able to explain it to others. So, what I want to begin doing this week is answer the first question regarding God’s kingdom— What is it? And I want to answer this question by defining the word “kingdom” itself … THE KING’S DOMINION Now I believe that the first step in defining the kingdom of God is by simply defining the word “kingdom” itself … The word “kingdom” comes from two words— the words “king” and “dom.” And the word “dom” is where we get words like “dome, domain, or dominion” from. So, by this basic practice of looking at the word’s origin we can see that a kingdom is a “king’s domain,” or you could say, a place where a “king” has “dominion.” Therefore, a kingdom is where a king has rule or where he governs a group of people. So, if this “king’s domain” is the kingdom of God, then it is the domain or place where God is the King and, therefore, where He rules and has dominion. THE KINGDOM CONCEPT But before we go any further, we need to understand that one of the disadvantages we have here in the United States of America to understanding what the kingdom of God is, is that we are not a “kingdom.” We are a democracy (more technically, a republic), not a monarchy. No, we are not ruled by a king, but by a system of government ruled by the people and for the people. We will cover this in more detail perhaps next week, but we need to understand that this is why the concept of a kingdom is not as easy for us to grasp. As a matter of fact, this English word “democracy” actually originated from the Greek words demos and kratos. The word demos meant “people,” and the word kratos meant “ruling power.” So, when you combine these two words together, you get the basic definition of a democracy— “people ruling power.” In other words, a democracy is a government that is ruled by the people and for the people. But this is not how God’s kingdom operates. His kingdom is not ruled by the people. His kingdom is ruled by the King of kings! WHERE THE KING HAS DOMINION Now all of that is easily understandable, but the question should arise—Where is it that God has dominion and where the King of kings rules? It is rather obvious that this is not everywhere—because there are a lot of people and places here on the earth where God does not seem to be ruling. Now I know there are a lot of people who wouldn’t say that because a majority of the church sees God as ultimately being in charge and control over everything on the earth, but that’s not completely true. How can I say that, you ask? I say that because His will is not being done everywhere and in every person on this planet. You see, the kingdom of God is a place or people where God’s will is being done, because if a king rules or governs something, then their will should be being done there, right? So, in light of all the sin, sickness, poverty, oppression, etc. that is occurring on the earth, we know God’s kingdom is not being manifest everywhere and in every person. Yes, God’s will is where life, blessing, peace, etc. are at! So, if there is death, the curse, depression, and any other oppression of the enemy, then God’s will is not being done in that situation. Therefore, the answer to that question we just asked—Where is it that God has dominion and rules?—is answered simply with—It is where the will of the King is being done. Let’s look at a very familiar verse in the Bible that qualifies this answer—Matthew 6:10: In Jesus’ Model Prayer, He said, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” First of all, Jesus taught us that our prayers need to begin with seeking first His kingdom. But then He piggybacks the request for His will being done along with it. So, we might say, once His kingdom comes, His will can then be done. Why? It’s because with a kingdom comes the will of the king of that kingdom being done. So, if this “kingdom” is the kingdom of God, then it is the place where God is king and where His will is being done. Yes, it is where God has dominion and where He rules & reigns. Amen? So, if a kingdom has come where the will of the king is being done then we need to know what God’s will is in order to identify where His kingdom is, right? Well, what did Jesus go on to say in His model prayer? He taught us to pray that God’s will would be done “on earth as it is in heaven.” So, what we see happening in heaven is what God’s kingdom looks like. Yes, any Christian would have to agree that God’s will is absolutely being done in heaven. We could all agree on that, right? Now while most of us have never visited heaven and seen it with our own eyes, we have it described to us in the Word of God. So, what does the Bible show us is taking place in heaven right now? Is there any sickness? Is there any pain or infirmity? Is there the presence of demons and evil spirits? No! There is nothing but perfect love, peace that passes all understanding, and joy unspeakable and full of glory! There is complete and perfect order—no confusion and no division. This is what God’s kingdom looks like! And the most liberating truth is that Jesus taught us to pray here in His Model Prayer for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done here on the earth as it is in heaven! Hallelujah! So evidently God’s will is that His will be done here on the earth now! His will is that His kingdom come on the earth right now like it is in heaven! In other words, He wants His kingdom’s “dominion” to be seen and experienced here on the earth today. We do not have to wait until tomorrow. We do not have to wait until the “sweet by and by.” We can see His kingdom demonstrated in the here and now! And this will be accomplished not only as we pray like the Master taught us to pray, but as we also begin to imitate Him by doing the works that He did as He walked on the earth. When we begin to walk in the instruction originally given to man in the Garden to subdue the earth and have dominion over all of His creation (Genesis 1:28), then we will see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth. Therefore, anywhere or anyone that submits to the will of the King by either repenting from their wrong beliefs and behaviors or by receiving the freedom, healing, and deliverance that His kingdom has to offer is experiencing the rule and dominion of God. It is that simple. Let me say it this way: Any person, place, or thing that bows their knee to the will of the King just experienced a manifestation of the kingdom of God. Again, God’s kingdom looks like things do in heaven. Therefore, when we see someone healed, we’ve seen a manifestation of His kingdom here on the earth! When we see someone delivered from demonic control, we’ve caught a glimpse of the way God’s kingdom is! Yes, when we see someone loved so beautifully, blessed so extravagantly, or freed so abundantly, we have seen the kingdom of God come in measure. You see, the place or people where a king has “dominion” is not just demonstrated where people are adhering to His Word and walking in His precepts. This is certainly part of it, but it is not all there is to where the King’s rule is being demonstrated. The Bible teaches us that we are not to just come in the wisdom of words about His kingdom, but also in the demonstration of the Spirit and power of God’s kingdom. And when the kingdom of God is manifested through people being healed and delivered, we are witnessing a demonstration of our Lord’s rule and dominion. That is why the Lord told His disciples, when they healed the sick and casted out demons, to say to them--“The kingdom of God has come near to you!” (Luke 10:9) Why? It is because the rule and dominion of God’s kingdom was just manifested in those people’s lives. They just saw the will of the King of kings being done in their lives as Satan was dethroned in their spirits, souls, or bodies. This is why we see the signs we do accompanying Jesus’ ministry—because He didn’t just come to preach the kingdom of God, but to demonstrate it. So, when He blessed the poor, healed the sick, raised the dead to life again, broke demonic control, the kingdom of God is what was being experienced in those people’s lives that Jesus and His disciples touched. Amen! So, the kingdom of God is where the devil, his kingdom, and the curse are no longer present. It is where God has the dominion, and His will is being done! Therefore, the kingdom of God is anywhere the will of the king is being demonstrated and manifested. It’s not a physical place and it’s not something we can necessarily see with the physical eye. Saints, the kingdom of God is not just a place. There is no time and distance in the spirit realm. The kingdom of God is wherever the Lord, our King, is manifested and demonstrated through word and action. This is how God’s kingdom can be manifested on the earth today! I can assure you; His kingdom is already handily available to us right now. Thank you, Jesus! Friends, we have been chosen by God to exercise the will of the King here on the earth and introduce the kingdom of God to this lost and dying world we live in! The church’s purpose is to be His delegated authority here on the earth and manifest the kingdom here now! Let us arise and take our rightful position as His church and represent our King appropriately by taking the keys to the kingdom and unlocking the doors to His presence and power through our lives. Swing wide you, heavenly gates! Open up ye everlasting doors! And the King of glory will come in! Church, you are the gates and those doors that the King of glory wants to manifest Himself through! So open up your hearts and let the King and His kingdom come through you! Amen!
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February 2025