Alright, so I believe are on the home stretch for concluding our series on the Names of God. But even though we’ve covered just about all of the Names God is given throughout the Old Testament, there is one New Testament Name which is above every other Name that I wanted to spend at least a couple of weeks covering.
But before we get into it, let’s review some of what we’ve covered thus far … We started out “hallowing” God’s Name by looking at the general Name used for God and the first Name He is given in the Scriptures – Elohim. We learned that Elohim describes exactly what most people’s view of God is – that He is the all-powerful, sovereign Creator who rules over all and is the judge of all. But we saw that, unfortunately, this is as far as most ever come in learning who God is. So that’s when we started looking at a few of the other Elohim “subtitles” that He was given like El Roi, El Elyon, and El Shaddai. These Names further described who God really was. But we learned that even these derivatives of Elohim were not enough to fully encapsulate who the LORD is. So that is when we looked at the Name that one might consider God’s “legal name” – Yahweh. I say “legal name” because this is the technically correct Name that God likes to go by. And one of the reasons for this is because no other name could have fully described all that the LORD is since He is so great, magnificent, and glorious. We learned that Yahweh literally describes the One who was, is, and is to come. He is the Great I AM. Therefore, this ever existing One simply IS. But what I love about this Name is that it is basically an open-ended title because it begs the questions – What is He? Who is He? How is He? And Why is He? So for thousands of years Yahweh began answering this question of who He is by revealing to His chosen people various Yahweh Names such as Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Tsidkenu, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah M’Kaddesh, and Jehovah Rohi. All of these Names described specific characteristics that God possesses, and reveals to us who He is in terms of His nature and interests. And last week, we looked at one of the things that He is to us. Yes, we looked at what God is into and what we can expect out of Him – and that is for Him to be our Banner of Victory! We looked at His Name given in Exodus chapter 17 – Jehovah Nissi – and how God grants His people victory and always leads us in triumph. Church, it’s wonderful that God is not into us losing. Yes, He always wants us to win, and He has done everything He is ever going to do in Christ Jesus to secure our victory in this life and in the next. Be sure to go back and listen to that message this week if you missed it. It’s a winner! THE NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME But like I said at the beginning, as we move towards concluding our study of the Names of God, it is imperative that we spend some time looking at the Name above all Names. Yes, there is one Name that outshines them all, that every tongue will one day confess as LORD, and that Name is obviously JESUS! The apostle Paul speaks of Jesus’ Name this way in Philippians 2:9-11 when he said, “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Now the context here is what Jesus laid down for us: Paul begins by saying that there was a certain mentality that Jesus possessed that we should aspire to have as well (Verse 5). And that mindset is that he emptied Himself of all of His Godhead privileges and was willing to let go of His glory to come become a human being like you and I (Verses 6-7). He then went as far as becoming the servant of servants and humbled Himself to the point of being crucified for us (Verses 7-8). So this is why His Father gave Him the Name above every other name and has honored Him to the degree that He has. Now it’s obvious that the names that His Name is above is specifically talking about any “name” we have on this earth – from any king, queen, prince, principality, or power. However, I believe this also applies to any other Name of God – that the Name of Jesus is to be held in the highest esteem. Not that the rest of God’s Names are substandard; just simply that the Name of Jesus has been given special honor by God and deserves the highest praise. I’m reminded now of a verse in the Bible that speaks of how God has magnified His Word even above His own Name (See Psalm 138:2). Well, what (or rather, Who) is His Word? The apostle John reveals God’s Word to be Jesus (See John 1:1). So it should not surprise us that JESUS is the Name above every other Name of God and the Name that He has chosen to magnify above all of His other Names. JESUS = SAVIOR Therefore, I think it is good for us to take a deep dive into this Name of God and give honor to the Name of God’s only begotten Son. So let’s begin where Jesus was given His Name in the beginning of the New Testament … In Matthew 1:21, we have the story of an angel appearing to Joseph in a dream and revealing to Him that this supernatural conception that had taken place in Mary was indeed by the Spirit of God. And the angel tells Joseph what He is to name Him. He says, “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” So this is how Jesus was given His Name. It was not by Joseph or Mary; God had a specific Name He wanted His only begotten Son to be called – and that was JESUS. Of course, “Jesus” was not what you would have heard Him called if you lived in His day. Jesus is simply the English transliteration of His actual Jewish Name, Yeshua. We talked a little about this when we went studied the Name, Yahweh, and the point we made is that its not necessary to squabble about what His technically correct Name is and demand everyone call Him that. I personally don’t think that the LORD cares what letters of the English alphabet we use when writing or uttering His Name. However, it is important to know what His Name means – And whether you like to call Him “Jesus” or “Yeshua,” both Names mean the same thing. And we don’t have a lexicon or some other Hebrew dictionary to know what Jesus’ Name means, for Matthew 1:21 tell us. Notice again how the angel told Joseph that he was to call His name Jesus “for He will save His people from their sins.” The word “for” denotes the reason why God wanted His Name to be Jesus. It was because He would save His people from their sins. In other words, because Jesus’ purpose for coming was to bring salvation to His people, the LORD wanted His Name to be the word for “salvation.” So no matter if you look up the Hebrew word “Yeshua” or the Greek word “Jesus,” you’ll find that they both describe salvation. Of course, to the Jew, this is exactly what they were expecting the Messiah to do – to bring salvation/deliverance to His people like He did through Moses when they were under the oppression of the Egyptians. In other words, the Messiah was said to bring salvation to the people of Israel, but they only heard that through carnal ears. Yes, they were looking for a physical deliverance from their Roman oppressors. But we know from verses like Matthew 1:21 and many others in the New Testament – the salvation that Jesus’ Name spoke about was first salvation from our spiritual oppressor, that is, the devil and the kingdom of darkness. You see, this is the purpose for Jesus coming. In fact, we have a bunch of other Scriptures that paint the full picture of this salvation:
So there is a broad scope as to why He came and what that purpose for His coming was, but it essentially boils down to this – The purpose for Jesus coming was to seek and save the lost, to give His life as a ransom for many in order to save sinners, and to destroy the works of the devil that we may have life and life more abundantly. Amen! All of these things that Jesus came to do can be seen in the Name His Heavenly Father gave Him. We see this described in Acts 4:12 when the apostle Peter addressed the Sanhedrin. He told them regarding Jesus’ Name – “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” So Peter was speaking the truth that salvation cannot be found in another – not Buddha, not Muhammad, and not any other name. No, all men and women must be saved through only one Name, the Name of Jesus! And one of the reasons for this is because none other has the Name of Salvation like Jesus does. Yes, Jesus’ actual Name is SAVIOR & SALVATION! YAHWEH YESHUA & JEHOVAH JESUS So you see, the Name Jesus or Yeshua literally describes Salvation. This is why I like to give God another Name and one that I believe is worthy of attention – YAHWEH YESHUA or JEHOVAH JESUS. Now this is not an official Name of God like the others we’ve covered, but to me, it is who our God is above all else. Yes, He is the LORD OUR SAVIOR or the LORD IS SALVATION. Let’s look at it in detail … Now again, Yahweh means He was, He am, and He will be. So it is generally translated like so – “The LORD is.” And then we come the Hebrew word/name for “salvation” which is Yeshua. Yes, this word describes something saved, but it also describes deliverance, aid or help, prosperity or welfare, victory or health. So you can see that while “Yeshua” can simply be defined as “salvation,” it means much more than that. It describes everything from prosperity to health, and not just being “saved” like we use the term. In fact, this Hebrew word gives us an almost identical definition of “salvation” as the Greek word for “saved” does. You see, in the New Testament, the word used for saved comes from the Greek word sozo which means “to save, heal, cure, preserve, keep safe and sound, rescue from danger or destruction, or to deliver.” The Spirit Filled Life Bible says that this Greek word means “to save from physical death by healing, and from spiritual death by forgiving sin and its effects.” As a matter of fact, this word “sozo” is not just translated “saved or save”; it is also translated “made whole, made well & healed.” So we see from both Yeshua & Sozo that “salvation” is not just a spiritual rescuing or deliverance; it also describes physical and natural salvation in every area of our life like our soul, physical bodies, finances, relationships, etc. And this is who the LORD is! He is Yeshua! He is Sozo! He is our Salvation, which also means He is our Deliverer, our Healer, our Provider, etc. Do you see all of the other Names of God wrapped up in this salvation!?! This is who Jehovah is! THE LORD OUR SALVATION And the LORD being salvation is threaded throughout the Scriptures as well. Yes, Jesus was forecasted throughout the Old Testament. You see, if you study out Scriptures that say that the LORD is salvation, you’ll be amazed to see how many verses there are …
I’ve counted at least 20 times that the LORD is specifically called our salvation in the Bible. In some cases, He is called my salvation as the author is specifically referring to who God has revealed Himself as to them. Sometimes He is referred to as something else along with our salvation, like a rock or light. But the fact is, that’s a lot of times that the LORD is specifically referred to as our salvation and not just as the One who does the saving. That means that salvation is what He is and not just what He gives. Saints, I just wanted you to realize today that just as the LORD is our Provider, our Healer, our Righteousness, our Sanctifier, our Shepherd, our Banner of Victory, etc. etc. etc., He is our Salvation too – which brings all of His other Names into one Name, the Name which is above every Name, JESUS! This is why I like to call Him JEHOVAH JESUS! THE ANGEL OF THE LORD Now I understand that the title “Jehovah Jesus” isn’t a Name of God that we see specifically mentioned in the Scriptures, but hey, there are a lot of terms we use in the church today that aren’t specifically mentioned in the Scriptures either. One example, is the term “Trinity.” The Scriptures don’t ever really use this word. However, that doesn’t mean that the concept of the Trinity isn’t implied. So even though man came up with this title for the Godhead, the idea of God being three beings in one is laced throughout the Scriptures. Well, the idea of Jehovah having another name, the Name which is above all names and the only Name that mankind can be saved by, is certainly implied as well. Yes, Jesus is that Name of God that shows that God is our Salvation. But you see, even though we celebrate the birth of Jesus during this month of December, it’s important to understand that Jesus didn’t come into being around this time some 2,000 years ago. No, Jesus was in the Old Testament too. Now He didn’t carry the Name of Jesus then. That Name wasn’t given until His physical birth that we see described in the Gospels. But His presence is throughout the Old Testament in the Person we see called “the Angel of the LORD.” Now this is not to be confused with an angel of the Lord. There is obviously a difference between the LORD’s angels that He sent messages through or that performed awesome feats through and what we see titled as “The Angel of the LORD.” This phrase comes from the Hebrew words that describe “a Messenger of Yahweh.” (Sounds a little like the “Word of the Father,” doesn’t it?) Again, the LORD’s angels can be His messengers, but sometimes there is a special “Messenger” who appeared to God’s creation. The first instance we have is in the story of Hagar in Genesis chapter 16 when the Bible says that the Angel of the LORD found her in the wilderness by the spring on the way to Shur after she fled from Sarai. This is when He said to her, “I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude” (See Genesis 16:7-10). Notice how this Angel of the LORD said, “I will multiply your descendants exceedingly …” That sounds like the LORD Himself is talking, doesn’t it? And that’s because He was! Yes, Yahweh Himself had manifested Himself to Hagar as “the Angel of the LORD.” And on top of this, if you recall, this is when Hagar named the LORD “El Roi” because she said that the LORD saw her. Therefore, El Roi was this Angel of the LORD, meaning God had appeared in the form of this messenger and spoke directly to her. Another instance is found in Genesis chapter 18 when the LORD appeared to Abraham by the terebinth trees of Mamre for two reasons – to inform Abraham and Sarah that their son of promise would be born the following year and to inform Abraham that he was going to destroy the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah. Now none of these three men that appeared to Abraham and Sarah are specifically called the “Angel of the LORD,” but I think that this is implied here because we are specifically told that the LORD appeared to Abraham (See Genesis 18:1). Another time, we see that the Angel of the LORD called out to Abraham on Mount Moriah when he was being tested to offer up His son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to the LORD: In Genesis 22:12, just before he was about to kill Isaac, the Angel of the LORD stopped him and said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” So again, the Angel of the LORD talked to someone like it was God personally talking to them – showing us that this particular Angel had to be some sort of manifestation of Yahweh Himself. And like the story of Hagar, we see again God being given one of His Names through the Angel of the LORD’s manifestation because this was of course the story where God is named “Jehovah Jireh,” the LORD our Provider. So we can see that this Angel of the LORD is certainly more than just your average angel. He is El Roi, the God who sees. He is Jehovah Jireh, the LORD our Provider. Yes, the Angel of the LORD is both Yahweh & Elohim! THAT WONDERFUL NAME But I want to share with you another time that we see the Angel of the LORD manifest Himself in the Scriptures because this one brings us full circle to who this Angel is and how awesome His Name is … In Judges chapter 13, we have the story of the birth of Samson, and I want us to look specifically at how Samson’s birth was announced to his parents by this ‘Angel of the LORD” … Judges 13:2-22 says, “Now there was a certain man from Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren and had no children. And the Angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, ‘Indeed now, you are barren and have borne no children, but you shall conceive and bear a son. Now therefore, please be careful not to drink wine or similar drink, and not to eat anything unclean. For behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. And no razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.’ So the woman came and told her husband, saying, ‘A Man of God came to me, and His countenance was like the countenance of the Angel of God, very awesome; but I did not ask Him where He was from, and He did not tell me His name. And He said to me, ‘Behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. Now drink no wine or similar drink, nor eat anything unclean, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb to the day of his death.’ Then Manoah prayed to the Lord, and said, ‘O my Lord, please let the Man of God whom You sent come to us again and teach us what we shall do for the child who will be born.’ And God listened to the voice of Manoah, and the Angel of God came to the woman again as she was sitting in the field; but Manoah her husband was not with her. Then the woman ran in haste and told her husband, and said to him, ‘Look, the Man who came to me the other day has just now appeared to me!’ So Manoah arose and followed his wife. When he came to the Man, he said to Him, ‘Are You the Man who spoke to this woman?’ And He said, “I am.” Manoah said, ‘Now let Your words come to pass! What will be the boy’s rule of life, and his work?’ So the Angel of the Lord said to Manoah, ‘Of all that I said to the woman let her be careful. She may not eat anything that comes from the vine, nor may she drink wine or similar drink, nor eat anything unclean. All that I commanded her let her observe.’ Then Manoah said to the Angel of the Lord, ‘Please let us detain You, and we will prepare a young goat for You.’ And the Angel of the Lord said to Manoah, ‘Though you detain Me, I will not eat your food. But if you offer a burnt offering, you must offer it to the Lord.” (For Manoah did not know He was the Angel of the Lord.) Then Manoah said to the Angel of the Lord, ‘What is Your name, that when Your words come to pass we may honor You?’ And the Angel of the Lord said to him, ‘Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?’ So Manoah took the young goat with the grain offering, and offered it upon the rock to the Lord. And He did a wondrous thing while Manoah and his wife looked on—it happened as the flame went up toward heaven from the altar—the Angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar! When Manoah and his wife saw this, they fell on their faces to the ground. When the Angel of the Lord appeared no more to Manoah and his wife, then Manoah knew that He was the Angel of the Lord. And Manoah said to his wife, ‘We shall surely die, because we have seen God!’ So what we can gather from this story is more evidence that this Angel of the LORD was indeed God because of all the descriptions …
You see, church, all of this points to the truth that Jesus is the LORD! Yes, He is that messenger (or we might say, the WORD) of the LORD because, like Manoah didn’t know that this was the Angel of the LORD here, many didn’t know who Jesus really was 2,000 years ago. Not only that, but the Angel’s response to Manoah’s question of if He was the Man was exactly what Jesus said in the Garden of Gethsemane – “I AM.” And we certainly know that Jesus’ Name is truly “wonderful” and indeed “awesome.” And finally, just as this Angel of the LORD ascended into heaven by the altar, likewise, JESUS ascended to heaven after being offered up on the altar of the Cross for our sins, to forever be seated at the right hand of God! Amen, church, JESUS is that Angel of the LORD and that makes Him GOD MANIFEST IN THE FLESH. As the apostle Paul said in First Timothy 3:16 – “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory.” Church, Jesus IS the Angel of the LORD, the Messenger of Yahweh, who was manifest in the flesh and received up in glory! He is the First and the Last, found in the beginning and revealed in the end. Amen! I AM THAT I AM But probably one of our best examples of the Angel of the LORD being Yahweh is found in Exodus chapter 3 in that very familiar story of Moses & the burning bush … This story begins in Exodus 3:1-2 by saying, “Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed.” Now notice here an important point that most haven’t noticed – that this voice of God that we know comes from the bush was specifically a manifestation of this Angel of the LORD! So everything we’ve ever envisioned of God appearing to Moses here in this burning bush is actually the Angel of the LORD! Then in verses 3-6 we are told – “Then Moses said, ‘I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.’ So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, ‘Moses, Moses!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ Then He said, ‘Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.’ Moreover He said, ‘I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God.” Then after the LORD tells Moses how he has heard the cry of His people and how He has seen their oppression, He tells Moses what he is to do. But Moses asked a good question in verse 13 – that when he is asked by the children of Israel what God’s Name was that was sending him, what should he tell them? And we know the answer, right? In verses 14-15, the LORD responds with – “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” 15 Moreover God said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: ‘The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.’” And as we’ve learned already this phrase “I AM WHO I AM” is just the way of saying, “MY NAME is YHWH!” because Yahweh literally describes the One who was and who will be, and therefore, the One who simply IS. So this is who the Angel of the LORD declared Himself to be – the I AM! And guess who else declared “I AM” many times in their ministry? Jesus! THE GREAT I AM Yes, Jesus Himself identified with Yahweh during His earthly ministry. For this reason, many (including myself) believe this Angel of the LORD to be a preincarnate manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ! First of all, He once told the Pharisees – “Before Abraham was, I Am.” (See John 8:58). This was not just a simple statement of Him existing before Abraham. No, this was Jesus equating Himself with the voice of the Angel of the LORD that spoke to Moses through the burning bush referring to Himself as “I AM WHO I AM.” If anyone else had made these statements, it would have been blasphemy (That is what Jesus was accused of by the Jewish leaders, who then arranged to have Him crucified for such “blasphemy.” Yet that plot was ultimately ordained by God to fulfill the prophecy that Jesus would be crucified for the sins of all who would believe in His name). But now, I want us to look in the Gospels after Jesus was born and look at some of the other Names He is given. More accurately, we are going to look at some things that the voice that came from the burning bush said He AM. This will help you and I to better understand all that comes in our salvation package. You see, if you study the Gospels, you will find that Jesus made numerous statements of who He is, was, and evermore shall be. In fact, in the Gospel of John itself, Jesus made seven “I AM” statements, which both identified Himself as deity and revealed certain divine characteristics that He possesses. Yes, each of these statements serve not only as a reflection of His nature but also as a way of revealing how the LORD desires to meet our needs. In fact, Jesus fulfilled and affirmed numerous Old Testament prophesies about Himself through these “I AM” statements. It’s also important to consider that He knew who He was, and He wanted us to clearly know, too. He can’t be minimized to merely our “ticket to heaven” but must be seen as our daily sustenance, our direction, our protector, our sacrificial Savior, our victory over death, our access to the Father and eternal life, and our vitality and strength. So what are Jesus' seven “I Am” Statements? Let’s look at them in order to gain a fuller understand of who Jehovah Jesus really is …
The first one is found in John 6:35 where Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” He also reiterated this statement in John 6:41, 48, & 51. Jesus said this shortly after He had fed the five thousand in the beginning of the chapter. and the people wanted more supernaturally provided bread. This was an allusion to the supernatural manna that satisfied the physical needs of the Israelites in the wilderness, but only for a while. But Jesus didn’t want to keep filling their stomachs. He wanted them to see that physical food only satisfied hunger temporarily, but He was the One who could satisfy them spiritually. Jesus Christ satisfies our spiritual needs forever. He was saying He is the bread that provides true life. So those who believe in Jesus have life. The manna in the wilderness satisfied temporary hunger, and those who ate it eventually died. Jesus provides the bread of life that leads to life everlasting. Notice how Jesus said in John 6:35 that as the bread of life, that whoever comes to Him shall never hunger and whoever believes on Him shall never thirst. You see, Jesus knew what these people were really “hungry” for – it was for more bread from heaven like the manna they were fed in the wilderness. But what He also knew was that the things that we as flesh & blood think we want & need is not what will satisfy us. Only Jesus can satisfy the root of all of these needs. Church, the LORD is the only thing that can satisfy. He is the only One who can fulfill us and bring true contentment. And without Him, we will run around the same mountains trying to be made happy by this or that. For some, they will go from relationship to relationship trying to find happiness. For others, they will work tirelessly trying to make more money, thinking that will bring them the joy they are looking for. There are so many “cisterns” that we try and hold water with, but none of these baskets can hold the joy & peace that we are looking for. As the Scriptures say, they are all broken cisterns that can hold no water. Only the LORD JESUS is that fountain of Living Waters, that true bread from heaven that man is to live by (See Jeremiah 2:13). Amen! Jesus is the answer to our discontentment, and is the only way to have joy and be fulfilled.
Jesus said in John 8:12 – “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” This second “I Am” statement of Jesus comes on the heels of a significant event – immediately after the forgiving of the woman caught in adultery. Of course, we know this story – the scribes and the Pharisees brought to Jesus this woman caught in the midst of adultery, and when they tried to put pressure on the Lord to condemn her according to the law, Jesus didn’t condemn her but offered her grace. But not only did Jesus show her mercy but He also told her to go and sin no more. This is when Jesus then gave this second great “I AM” statement that He is the light of the world. So being this light of the world like the Sun is the light of the earth, the LORD gives direction out of sin and into the light of life like He did for this adulterous woman. There is no cause for stumbling to those who follow His light, but for those who turn from Him, they will most certainly walk in darkness. Yes, Jesus is that great light that was given in Genesis 1:3 when God said, “‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” And this was before the sun was even created. Therefore, the SON existed before the SUN was created – the true light of the world. You see, if we don’t have the light of the world, then we can’t really find our way out of the continuous stumblings in sin and other poor choices. We need His light to both walk correctly and to be able to see accurately. And Jesus is the only light that can provide us with these things. Jesus is the answer to our stumbling around in darkness. He is the light that gives direction, purpose, and hope.
Next, Jesus said in John 10:7-9 – “I am the door of the sheep. All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” This third “I Am” statement stresses that no one can enter the kingdom of heaven by any other means than Christ Himself. Jesus’ words in this passage are using the imagery of a sheepfold. He is the one and only way to enter the fold. “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber” (See John 10:1). Yes, Jesus is that one door that gave one access to Noah’s ark. So Jesus is that door that one enters salvation through to be delivered from the wrath & judgment of God. So this statement also reinforces what He said in John 14:6 about being the only way to come to the Father. The only way to get into God’s “sheepfold” or “family” or “dwelling” is to go through Jesus – the door or entryway. However, that is not the only benefit of Jesus being the door. Jesus also said in verse 9 that not only is one saved by entering through Him, but that they are able to go in and out and find pasture. That shows me that Jesus is not only the door to our salvation and our home in heaven, but He is our door to find pasture outside of these spiritual things. So, He is the way to making us lie down on green pastures and our avenue to going beside the still waters. Therefore, He is the door to both a good life for all eternity and a good life now on this earth! Amen! Jesus is the answer to our inability to go in and out and find green pastures and still waters. He is our comfort and our rest.
Later in this same example, Jesus gives us our fourth great “I Am” saying in John 10:11,14 – “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep … I am the good shepherd; and I know my sheep, and am known by My own.” With this statement, Jesus was declaring Himself to be that good shepherd who would die for the sake of His flock. He was letting the Israelites know that, unlike a hireling who will run and leave a flock unprotected in order to save his own life when the wolf threatens the sheep, He will not abandon His sheep, but will keep watch over His people. And if He will lay down His life for His flock, then He most certainly will care for and love His sheep, knowing them each by name. In Psalm 23, David referred to the Lord God as Jehovah Rohi, the LORD our Shepherd, and in this passage, Jesus refers to Himself as the ultimate Good Shepherd who was about to give His life for His sheep and fulfill His Father’s plan of salvation for all people. But as our Good Shepherd Jesus not only gives us His life, but He gives us everything else as a result (Compare Romans 8:32)! Yes, the Good Shepherd leads us into the good life. In these verses, we see the opportunity to know Him is one of the benefits of Him being our Good Shepherd. So we can have a relationship with the LORD God through Jesus and we can experience so much more as evidenced by the 23rd Psalm. Church, when Jesus is our Good Shepherd, He does good by us! He provides us with direction, provision, protection, restoration, comfort, etc. The LORD is good, and He does good! Jesus is the answer for what we would call a bad life, full of no direction or provision. Knowing Him is the key to the life you’ve always been looking for.
The fifth “I AM” declaration that Jesus made in the Gospel of John is found in John 11:25. In this verse, Jesus said to Martha – “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” Jesus made this “I AM” statement immediately before raising Lazarus from the dead. He spoke this crowning statement of hope to His grieving friend, Martha, after she said that she knew that her brother, Lazarus, would rise again in the final resurrection. So Jesus felt the need to make it clear to her that He was and still is the resurrection and the life! Now Jesus was obviously talking about raising up Lazarus right then and not having to wait until the final Resurrection. So this shows us that Jesus is not only the Resurrection and the Life for us eternally, but He is this to us right now! And oh how Jesus most certainly is our Resurrection Life the moment we are born again! This involves us being born again and saved when our spirit is made fully alive by the power of the Holy Spirit, but it also involves our physical body being made alive by the Spirit of God. The apostle Paul talked about this in Romans chapter 8 when he said that the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead will also give life to our mortal bodies (See Romans 8:11). That means that God wants that resurrection life to impact us now, not just in the sweet by and by. You see, death always brought a sense of despair, hopelessness, and finality until Jesus spoke those glorious words, and then demonstrated them by bringing His dead friend back to life. Shortly afterward, Jesus showed the world that He had conquered the grave when He, Himself, rose to life three days after His death for the sins of all who would believe. Jesus is the answer for all that is dead. He gives life to anything or anyone He touches and raises them up.
Now perhaps the most powerful “I AM” statement by Jesus is the one He said in John 14:6 in response to Thomas’ statement of not knowing where He was going and not knowing the way. Here, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” This powerful “I AM” statement of Christ’s is packed with meaning: Like we just looked at in John 11:25, Jesus reiterated here that He is the life. This again shows us that the life is only found in Him. But Jesus included two other proclamations including him being the Way and the Truth: By saying that He is the Way, this is not merely one way among many ways to God; He is the only Way. In other words, like we saw in Jesus being the Door, Jesus is the Way to the Father. Then by saying that He is the Truth, Jesus is stating that all Truth is found in Him. The Scriptures say that “The entirety of Your Word is truth” (Psalm 119:160), and here is Jesus proclaiming that He is the truth—confirming His identity as the Word of God (see John 1:1, 14). So if I want to find the way, I need to find Jesus. If I want to know the truth, then I need to know Jesus. And if I want to have life, then I need to have Jesus. You see, this statement was significant to those of His day who were trying to gain access to God’s favor through the Law and their good works. And it is significant to us today because we are surrounded by many beliefs and religions claiming access to God and a way to earn God’s favor and eternal life, apart from Jesus alone. Jesus is the answer when we don’t know the way, when we are questioning what truth is, and when our life is in desperate need of a change.
Finally, we see Jesus in the same evening teaching about the Parable of the True Vine and its branches. And in the beginning of His teaching Jesus said – “I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser … I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:1,5) So the final metaphorical “I AM” statement in the Gospel of John emphasizes the sustaining power of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are the branches, and He is the vine. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit unless it is joined in vital union with the vine, only those who are joined to and abide in Christ to receive their power from Him produce fruit in the Christian life. But specifically by calling Himself the “True” Vine, that means that there are evidently “false” vines out there – again, other people, places, and things that we tend to grasp for to get life from. But no, Jesus is the only real True Vine and, therefore, the only true source of life & sustenance. So only by attaching ourselves to and abiding in Christ are we able to have His life flow in and through us. Then we cannot help but bear fruit that will honor the Father. In this metaphor, He is the gardener. In Him, and in His nurturing, tending, and pruning, you and I can grow to our potential and bear much fruit. Jesus was saying “Stick close to Me and you will be able to accomplish much for My Father’s glory.” Jesus is the answer to our fruitlessness. He is the only way for our lives to become truly fruitful and experience the life that glorifies Him. So just as the LORD gave Moses the answer to the question of who is it that was sending Him and what this One’s name is, Jesus is likewise the answer to everything we need! Yes, He is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life. One cannot take another way, believe something else as truth, or find life in something else outside of Jesus. He is the only Door and the Good Shepherd who leads us in and out to find the pasture we need. We cannot trust in any other “door” for salvation, but Jesus is certainly that Good Shepherd who will lead us in and out to find green pasture. There is no other Bread that can satisfy, no other Vine that can give life, and no other Light that can show us the way. Jesus is our only hope for resurrection and without Him we can do nothing. Yes, Jesus is always the answer – the only Name that can truly satisfy and save! THE LIGHT HAS DAWNED You see, the Name of Jesus contains so much wealth and depth. And it was even prophesied that this would be the case in one of our most popular Christmas passages of Scripture – Isaiah 9:6-7. In these verses, the Prophet Isaiah prophesied – “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.’” This is one of the most well-known prophecies about the coming Messiah. If you’ve been to a Christmas service before you’ve likely heard it read. And while it’s a great reminder during the Christmas season, it’s also a verse we should reflect on year-round because these truths about the Christ are not just reserved for the holidays, but they are the same yesterday, today, and forevermore! You see, these verses were not just intended to show Israel what was to come in the future at the time it was prophesied. Nor were they to just show us what came 2,000 years ago. No, these verses aren’t just to reveal what was or what was to come; they are to reveal to us who Jesus is and what He is still doing! So as we look at these verses in detail today, be sure to view them not as something of the past, but as truths that are still relevant today. Amen. But before we look at them in depth, we need to consider the context in which these words were written. You see, the Book of Isaiah is one of the most significant Books of Prophecy and one of the most important Books in the Bible. It is regularly quoted throughout the New Testament and also speaks of the coming Messiah and what He will do. It's for this reason that some call the Book of Isaiah the “Fifth Gospel” because of its unique and accurate description of Israel’s Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only does it give a description of His life and subsequent crucifixion, but it also describes His beginning – right here in Isaiah chapter 9. But the context of Isaiah 9:6-7 in particular is this: In the previous chapter, a picture of doom & gloom is painted to Israel. Invasion by the Assyrians was imminent and they would be oppressed for 13 years. This was not “gospel” to the nation of Israel and was widely considered a “conspiracy.” So at the very end of chapter 8, what we see is trouble and darkness, gloom of anguish, and how they would be driven into this dark time. However, in chapter 9, we see a prophecy of light and hope! Isaiah talks about a future for Israel where the darkness will be lifted! It’s a restoration to a bright future! And Isaiah prophesied that this will come about by a child that God will send who will become king. But this isn’t just any ordinary man; rather He will be called Mighty God and Prince of Peace, and his rule will never end! So in Isaiah 9:1-7 we see this incredible promise that the darkness will be replaced by indescribable glory that will never end. Verse 2 specifically says that “the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.” This was a direct prophecy of Jesus’ Galilean ministry and Matthew records it as such in Matthew 4:16 of His Book. All this will be brought about by a baby Boy who will have a certain reputation. So let’s now begin looking at this powerful verse in Isaiah 9:6 … First of all, notice how our verse begins with – “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given …” Remember the context: Isaiah here is describing the future when God will provide a way out of the darkness, and that will come through the birth of a child. This passage is prophesying about the Light of the world and what the light is that He will bring to all who have eyes to see. When Isaiah started off with the word “For” he was giving the reason why God was going to accomplish what He said He would in the preceding verses (vs.1-5) – shining a light on their darkness/gloom, bringing them joy and their freedom being won. In other words, the Messiah was that light that would bring them true freedom. When Isaiah said “unto us” he was saying that He was coming for our benefit, and these were some of the benefits. So when it begins with “For unto us …” we can picture the light of the world coming into our dark world and giving us light. Yes, like beams of light radiate from the sun as it rises in the east, the Sun of Righteousness has risen with healing in His wings (literally, the rays of light that come from the sun). So unto us this light was given and now we can have hope because salvation has come! A SON IS GIVEN The Prophet Isaiah in prophesying of the Christ child who was to come said, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given.” These are significant statements because in the first one, we have a reference to His humanity, and in the second, we have a reference to His deity. On one hand, He was born as a child in His humanity, and on the other, He was God’s only begotten Son given by His Father. So, while many Christians very admirably make Christmas out to be Jesus’ birthday, that is not entirely correct. Sure, it is His birthday regarding His humanity, but His entrance into the world on that evening was not the beginning of His life. He is, was, and always will be the beginning! We need to predominantly understand that when He was born that night, He was more than “Baby Jesus.” He was the everlasting Word made flesh! Yes, a Son was given on that night! So, Christmas should be viewed not so much as the birthday of little baby Jesus, but the glorious entrance of God’s greatest gift to the world—His only begotten Son! Another familiar passage of Scripture, John 3:16, says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes on Him should not perish but have eternal life.” This reveals to us a couple of awesome truths about this gift:
But this good news gets even “gooder” as we understand that the giving of His only begotten Son on the day that we traditionally celebrate as Christmas, God also freely gave us all things. Romans 8:32 says that if God did not withhold His Son from us, but freely gave Him to us, how shall He not with Him freely give us all things? In other words, with Jesus comes every other good and perfect gift of God! I would say it this way: Jesus is God’s gift wrapped under the tree. He is the gift. But when you unwrap Him, you find everything else that pertains to life and godliness! In Him, lies all the good and perfect gifts of the Father that we need and desire. As I considered these things this week, I was reminded of that oh so powerful Scripture in James 1:17 that says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” You see, Jesus was certainly that good and perfect gift given to us by our good, good Heavenly Father, but every other good and perfect gift in our lives has also come down from Him. He, in His unchanging nature of light, love, and life, consistently gives things that benefit and bless us. This is just who He is. So, Jesus is that good and perfect gift given to us by the Father, but again, He was given for us! Therefore, we are the reason for the season and the object of God’s love. This is why we tend to think of this verse as a Christmas passage because it predicts the birth of Jesus. And it certainly deserves a spot in our Christmas readings. However, the promise of this verse goes far beyond that. It’s a promise that God will restore his people and give them back a kingdom – this time, a kingdom that will be forever. Isaiah dives further into that in the coming words … THE KING’S DOMINION Isaiah further describes this coming Messiah, saying, “The government will be upon His shoulder …” What this is speaking of is that He will be a king, the King of kings in fact. If you recall in Matthew 2:2, we see how the wise men who came from the east asked, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” So even from His birth, those who were enlightened knew that He was born to be King. The word for “government” here describes the rule or dominion. So it might be better translated as the rule will rest on His shoulders. And this is a lavish title that paints a picture. Obviously, the Holy Spirit doesn’t mean that the dominion will literally be on His shoulders; but rather that He will be the One holding it up. You see, these kinds of lavish titles were common for kings to be given at this time. But what’s interesting is that His titles are going to get more and more elaborate. What Isaiah is doing is showing that this Child will be of God Himself. Then Isaiah said that the government would be upon His shoulder. In other words, He will bear the right and responsibility to rule and have dominion over God’s kingdom. First must come the breaking of the yoke and staff off our “shoulders” (See verse 4). Then we are translated into His kingdom (Compare Colossians 1:13) where His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Why? Because we are yoked together with Him now and He bears the full weight of that yoke for us on His shoulders. If we look ahead into verse 7, we see more about the King’s kingdom as Isaiah goes on to describe the Messiah’s reign … Next, he says, “Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end” (continuation of the reference to Jesus being the Prince of Peace). In other words, His kingdom shall be in a perpetual state of growth and increase. It will begin growing when He comes and it will never stop increasing throughout all eternity (Compare Daniel 2:35&44), like the leaven that infiltrated the three measures of meal and the mustard seed that grew into a large tree. The kingdom of God is characterized by growth – more specifically perpetual growth for all eternity. Then these powerful words are followed by – “Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever.” You see, God promised David that he would never lack someone to sit upon his throne after him. Of course, we know that Jesus was the ultimate fulfillment of this being the seed of David when He was handed over the rule to God’s kingdom. And Jesus is seated upon His throne and He will never be succeeded… His reign is eternal! (See First Kings 8:25 / Second Samuel 7:12-13). The word “order” means “to prepare it or make it ready” and the word “establish” means “to sustain it or hold it up.” So this means that Christ was going to prepare David’s kingdom and hold it together after that. He will do this “with judgment and justice,” or more literally “with justice and righteousness.” God’s Word says that His throne is established upon righteousness and justice. It says that the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy. What this phrase is basically saying is that the Messiah is going to take the throne of David and start ruling with justice and righteousness and continue to rule in righteousness and justice. A major point of emphasis throughout God’s Word concerning His kingdom is that it will be forever and ever and ever. This is said here when Isaiah is quoted as saying, “…from that time forward, even forever.” God wants us to be fully established in the fact that the kingdom we are citizens of is not limited to this temporal life, but is eternal. It will never end and will last for all eternity! With strong consolation like this, how much should we be seeking first the things that pertain to His kingdom while on the earth? But what I wanted you to see through this is that it was clearly prophesied that Jesus would be the King over His Father’s kingdom and that this kingdom would rule and reign forever. HIS NAME WILL BE CALLED But let’s go back to Isaiah 9:6 and look at what the Holy Spirit prophesied that the Messiah’s kingdom would be characterized by … In fact, Isaiah 9:6 teaches us a little bit more about His Name, specifically telling us what “His Name will be called” – that is, His character and person. Jamison Fausset Brown’s commentary translates this phrase as – ‘His essential characteristics shall be…’ And the very first thing we see that the King will be called is – “Wonderful.” Now as we saw in Judges 13:18, this was what the Angel of the LORD (which we learned was the preincarnate Lord Jesus Christ) answered Samson’s father with when he asked what His name was. The LORD responded with – “Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?" Now this word for “wonderful” is most often used in connection with miracles, signs, and wonders. And truly Jesus Christ’s essential characteristics are miraculous and full of wonders, right? His entrance into this physical world was a miracle in itself (i.e. an immaculate conception through a virgin). His ministry on the earth was also marked with miracles, signs, and wonders. And His resurrection was the culmination of His life being “full of wonders.” So it should not surprise us that the Lord Jesus’ Name would be “full of wonders” as His life from beginning to end was characterized by signs & wonders. The next way Jesus would be characterized is as the “Counselor” … Some believe Isaiah’s intent was to say that He would be “the wonderful counselor” instead of both of these words being two different descriptions (compare 28:29). And I’m sure His counsel is wonderful, but let’s just focus here on what the “counselor” part means. The reference to Him being a Counselor denotes His ability to give sound wisdom, direction, and guidance as the ruler of His people. Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit being “another parakletos” and one way of translating that is “another of the same kind of counselor” signifying that He was His disciple’s counselor first. So this describes a king that is wise. This would cause most Israelites to think of King Solomon, the wisest person to ever live. But this King is far wiser than even Solomon, and he will lead his people with wise counsel that will not lead them astray. I’ll tell you – if you ever need direction, wisdom, or guidance, He’s Your Man! There is no man or woman on this planet who can offer the same counsel that the Counselor can – and one of the main ways that the Christ does this for us today is through the other Counselor, the Mighty Holy Spirit. Yes, the Holy Spirit has been sent to dwell inside of us, filling us with inexhaustible knowledge, revelation, and wisdom. Next, we see the Lord Jesus called “Mighty God.” Isaiah here is telling his readers that this king would not just be a man. No, He was a part of the Godhead as this was a very obvious reference to His divinity. So while other kings might have some of the attributes in this list, they would not have this one. But Isaiah did not just call Him “God” He described Him as the “Mighty God.” This word “Mighty” was a word used to describe a warrior, king, or hero. It is a reference to Jesus Christ – the Word who was and is and forevermore will be God – coming to the earth as a man in order to be our hero and deliverer us from this kingdom of darkness. So this king will be divine and will be mighty to save his people. Next, we see Jesus described as the “Everlasting Father.” Now this is not attributing Jesus to being both the Son and the Father because they are distinct entities in the Trinity. These words “everlasting Father” literally describe the “Father of eternity.” Thus “the Father of eternity” describes Him as being “the originator of the age to come” or “the Author of eternal life” or “or the source of the eternal kingdom which shall never end.” So this king’s reign will never end, but what’s more incredible is how he will rule. He is our father. In other words, he’s not going to rule by demanding subservience; rather he will rule as a loving and caring father. And finally, we come to probably the most well-known phrase in Isaiah 9:6 – the Prince of Peace. The common interpretation that the Jewish people had of this phrase was that the Messiah would put an end to all conflict and wars when He came. Of course, it is understandable why they believed this because there were other prophecies that referred to the Messiah’s reign being a reign of peace and tranquility. But, although these prophecies will be fulfilled in the millennium reign of the Christ, the peace that He first came to bring was peace between God and man (which will be followed by peace between man and man) If you recall, this gospel of peace was what was proclaimed at Jesus’ birth in Luke 2:14 when the angels appeared to the shepherds singing, “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” What were they declaring? It was that with the birth of the Messiah, God has sent the Way for peace between He and mankind! Glory to God in the highest indeed! So this is one of Jesus’ main names because it’s what He came to do, bring peace. This peace isn’t just peace on earth, but also peace between us and God. This king is the ultimate peacemaker. Therefore, Isaiah 9:6-7 reminds us of who Jesus is and what He came to do. Like I said, when these words were written God’s people were in a dark season. This verse is a promise that God was coming to rescue them. The same is true for us today. Jesus entered into this world as a child to pursue you and I. Isaiah 9:6 shows us that God is wise, He is mighty, He’s our father, and He is bringing peace to us. When the storms of life come this is a verse we should cling to. God is with us, and He will provide for us. Isaiah concluded by saying- “The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” All of this about the Messianic rule over God’s kingdom is a product of God’s intense, heartfelt desire. In other words, God really wanted to do this. Yes, He really wants to bring light into our darkness! Yes, He is zealous for bringing us peace and being our hero! So if God was this zealous about doing this for us, how much more should we be zealous in walking in this? Church, Jesus is the Name above all names! He is our Savior and, in this salvation is everything that pertains to life and godliness. Yes, in this salvation package is every good and perfect gift. So we might say that every other Name of God and all that God revealed Himself to be through these Names is contained in the Name of Jehovah Jesus.
January 2025